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Top options to conduct an arrest inquiry, warrant lookup and criminal case search in Arkansas!
I cannot say that Arkansas makes it easy to launch an inquiry on arrest warrants or judicial records. In fact, most agencies, and I am talking about law enforcement as well as judicial offices here, provide the bare minimum information even when you approach them for public criminal records.
Now, I understand their reluctance when it comes to details on arrest warrants. But, I don’t see why state agencies should be so finicky about providing an arrest report or a third party criminal case search. Well, but that is the way things are for now!
So, if you need extensive and in-depth data in response to a criminal check, you will have to rely on private sources. But as always, I recommend that you start with what’s on offer from government offices and then move your way up to a paid service. So, let’s start talking about the various options available for a criminal search.
Arrest records from Arkansas
Although you may not get an arrest report in the name of your subject from the local police, it is possible to compile an arrest log based on the information furbished on the websites of most law enforcement agencies.
Of course, I am going to give you the low down on how to access information on recent arrests in different counties without paying for the data. But before we get to that, let me answer the first question that I get asked when talking about arrests records.
What information can I get from an arrest inquiry in AR?
When you initiate an inquiry on arrests, you are likely to find two types of information. Depending on the nature and the need for your arrest inquiry, the details you find may/may not prove useful for you.
Arrest booking data: Typically, the information available on the website of the sheriff’s office will usually be a “just busted” list that will have information on all the arrests made by the agency in a specific time frame. It is rare to find information on arrests that are several years or even months old from such facilities.
At best, you can expect to know about suspects who were detained in the last 1-3 months. Of course, there are also those agencies that limit the information they offer to just arrests in last 5 days. There will also be a difference in the amount of information offered pertaining to the arrests.
For instance, some agencies will give you details on the charges, day on which the arrest was made, release date, arrest mugshots, bail related information and more. Then, there are others that only tell you that a particular person was arrested on a specific date and if bail can be posted for his/her release.
Subject specific arrest history: It’s rare to find the complete arrests records of a person online. Usually, you will have to visit the local law enforcement or judicial agency to get this information. In fact, even when you initiate an arrest inquiry by showing up at the precinct, you may only be given details on arrests that eventually resulted in a conviction.
Also, the information will be limited to the agency that you approach for the arrest search. For instance, if you get in touch with the Sheriff’s Office of Chicot County for an arrest report, don’t expect them to tell you if the subject was arrested in another county of AR.
Do all Arkansas law enforcement agencies offer their arrest log online?
No, they don’t. In fact, Arkansas is one of the few states in which several police departments don’t provide jail records online. Typically, this facility is only offered by the larger counties of the state. However, even the agencies that do provide access to their arrest log online, do not offer their police reports on their website.
In case you are wondering- Yes, the police blotter is made available on the internet by the law enforcement agencies of many other states. But like I said, the laws of Arkansas are quite restrictive when it comes to criminal records.
How do I find online information on recent arrest in different counties of AR?
You won’t find the most recent arrest log on the website of most sheriffs’ departments of the state but you can access the jail records. This means that you will need to sift through some amount of data to compile the arrest list.
On the plus side, with the inmate lookup feature, if it is available, you can know if you are subject was recently detained. Because the search feature is usually name-based and does not need a registration, it is a simple and discreet way to conduct an arrest inquiry.
Moreover, the arrest search feature is almost always free; things can’t possibly get cheaper than that! So, let me tell you how to get your hands on criminal and DUI arrests in various counties:
Benton County arrest reports: To access the arrest list for Benton County, you can use the inmate roster of Benton County Jail at http://sheriff.bentoncountyar.gov/jail.html. Click on the link that reads “Inmate Roster”. The pop-up page will allow you to view the entire arrest list or search for inmates by name.
Arrests in Garland County: The arrest log for Garland County can be found at https://garlandcounty.org/198/Inmate-Roster. The page has a list of all inmates who are currently being held in the county jail, including those who were arrested in 2017. If you click on the name of an inmate, you can access details on the charges against him/her, arrest booking date, bond related data as well as the arrest mugshots.
Saline County arrest log: The arrest list offered by the Saline County Sheriff’s Office is available at https://www.scsosheriff.org/inmate-roster. The unique feature of this facility is that you can get information on recent arrests as well as releases in the last 48 hours. The inmate/arrests log has information on the charges against detainees, arrest and release date (if applicable) as well as the bond amount.
Crawford County jail records: The Sheriff’s Office of Crawford County posts the arrest log at https://www.crawfordcountysheriff.org/inmates.asp. There are no arrest mugshots on the page, but you will find details on the offense committed by the detainees.
Recent arrests in Sebastian County: You can initiate an inmate inquiry for Sebastian County by using the tool at http://www.sebastiancountyar.gov/Sheriff/Inmate-Inquiry. You can launch a search for the arrest report in the name of a specific individual or get details on the day’s arrest bookings. Along with the arrest mugshots, you can also get details on all instances of arrests in the name of your subject, including those that date back to 2017.
Pulaski County arrest list: The inmate roster for Pulaski County can be accessed as a list or it can be used for a name based search for a detainee. The facility is available at http://www.pcso.org/InmateRoster.shtml. In the jail records, you will find the arrest mugshots, address, DOB, identifier data, information on charges, bond amount, name of the court hearing the criminal case and disposition details.
Arkansas Arrest warrants
I often get asked why it’s hard to get information on active warrants from AR. Actually, this isn’t a state specific trait, although there are some areas of the country in which this information is relayed as freely and transparently to the public as all other criminal records.
The thing with arrest warrants is that action is pending in response to these orders. Since the alleged offenders are yet to be taken into custody, there is a high risk of this information being sought by suspects and their cohorts to facilitate their run from the law.
Then, there is the problem of civilians attempting to make arrests and endangering themselves and those around them. So, most law enforcement agencies either don’t offer any information pertaining to outstanding warrants or limit themselves to offering details only on bench warrants.
How are arrest warrants from Arkansas different from bench warrants?
In terms of scope of action, both can put a person behind bars. Also, when it comes to the source of the orders, it’s usually the Magistrate’s Court that issues the majority of warrants. The primary difference is that bench warrants are linked to minor offenses such as ordinance violations, non-payment of court ordered restitution or fines, non-appearance in court and Class C and D misdemeanors.
In contrast, active warrants are issued in connection with felonies and Class A and B misdemeanors. But, weren’t we discussing arrest warrants, then how did we end up on active warrants? Well, active warrants is just another term for freshly issued arrest warrants, while outstanding warrants are those orders that have been in the system for a while. Unlike bench warrants, active warrants have nationwide jurisdiction and a person can be extradited to Arkansas from any other state as long as the arrest warrant against him is connected to a serious offense.
What are the options for a warrant check in AR?
- Contact the County Sheriff for warrant information: This is the most obvious answer and one that can get you the results you want. But, there is a catch! Surely, you can walk into the sheriff’s office and inquire about warrants in the name of your subject. However, they are not obligated to provide this information.
So, you will, in all likelihood, get a “yes or no” answer, without the specifics that you’d expect in response to a warrant lookup. That said, rest assured that even the limited information will come your way only after you provide personal identification and the reason for the warrant check.
Access the most wanted list online: This is what I like to call a “restrictive” method. The information that you get will not be subject-specific. However, it is a good starting point, if you want to learn about the criminal occurrences in your neighborhood. Plus, you never know; you may just find a person who has recently moved into a home on the block in the list. It has happened several times in the past, so the possibility cannot be ruled out.
- Use the sheriff’s website to tap into the warrant database: Now, this facility is not available in all the counties of Arkansas. Some law enforcement agencies are offering their warrant list on their website. In the majority of instances, the warrant database has more bench warrants than active warrants.
What if I am interested in an online warrant lookup for Arkansas?
Some law enforcement offices in the state do offer access to their warrant list online. However, the information provided can be very different, depending on the agency offering it. Let me give you a few examples:
White County warrants search: Although you cannot get information on all outstanding warrants from White County, the local Sheriff’s Office does offer a most wanted list at https://wcso.cc/most-wanted. Needless to say, the list has no mention of bench warrants nor active warrants issued in case of minor misdemeanor offenses. However, you can find pictures of the suspects who figure in the list along with information on charges as well as their identifying details.
Faulkner County warrants: At least at this time, I don’t think any other law enforcement agency in Arkansas offers as much crime related information in the public domain as the Office of Faulkner County Sheriff. In fact, this is one of the few agencies that currently provides both the warrants list and the most wanted page on their website at https://www.fcso.ar.gov/. In addition to these, you can also get latest news from the department on their homepage, which includes information on recent arrests, complete with pictures of the detainees.
Benton County warrant list: You can access the warrant database of Benton County Sheriff’s Office on their website at http://sheriff.bentoncountyar.gov/. Click on the tab that says “services” and you will be redirected to a page that has a list of all the public services offered by the agency. You will see the “active warrants” and the “most wanted” tabs right next to each other. The warrant division of the agency updates the information on the page every 24 hours. You can browse through the entire list or use the name search facility.
Sebastian County warrant check: You can get to the warrant search tool by agreeing to the terms on http://warrants.sebastiancountyar.gov/agree.php. The tool offers the facility to find arrest warrants by using the name of the suspect, the warrant number and the date of issue. You can also use the service to find all the active warrants issued in a specified time frame.
How is a warrant search different from a warrant roundup in AR?
A warrant roundup has nothing to with accessing information on arrest warrants. It is a police procedure that does not involve civilians nor the dissemination of criminal records in any way or sense.
A warrant roundup is typically a multi-agency initiative that is undertaken to serve the maximum number of outstanding warrants as can be done in a matter of 3-4 days. You will not be given any information on a warrant roundup operation, even if one is in the pipeline.
Court records for Arkansas
Court records serve as the mother load of information when you want a peek into the background of a person. Not only can you learn if your subject has ever had a brush with the law but also you can find out about all the civil litigations that this person was/is involved in.
Despite the sheer volume of information that you can get from a case search, there are a lot of misconceptions about judicial records. For instance, when I am asked about the options available to find information on court cases, I see a lot of eye-rolling because this one is considered a no brainer. I mean where else can you go for a court records search if not the court?
For everybody out there who harbors this misconception, I have a bit of an eye opener. Folks, the courts (regardless of their hierarchy in the judicial system) have too much on their plates. They just don’t have the time to entertain requests for a case lookup.
So, even if you know about the court that heard a specific criminal or civil matter, you cannot launch an inquiry for case information directly through this office of the judiciary. And, that brings me to the question du jour…
Where should I go to find judicial records?
Whether you are interested in a civil or criminal case search, your only option is to approach the clerk of court’s office. Every court has its own clerk’s office that functions as the records bearer for that specific branch of the judiciary.
So, if you want to access case information for a matter that was handled by the District Court of a county, you will have to get in touch with the district court clerk. Ditto for judicial records from the Circuit Court. You have two options for accessing the public court records held by the clerk’s office:
- You can approach the office in person for a case lookup. Typically, most agencies have public service terminals in the lobby of the courthouse building. These are linked to the court docket database. Civilians are allowed to use these terminals to access a specific court docket or for a court records search. You don’t have to pay to access this facility, but you will have to provide some form of identification and you will be charged for any copies that you may need.
- You can use the “court access” feature provided on the website of the clerk of court (if available) for the inquiry. Typically, you will find this facility offered on the websites of most Circuit Court clerks. In Arkansas, the docket search tool can be accessed online free of charge and without the need for registration.
How do I access the Arkansas Courts Open Access Network?
The central court repository for the state of Arkansas can be accessed through the tool at https://caseinfo.arcourts.gov/cconnect/PROD/public/ck_public_qry_main.cp_main_idx. The Court Connect system covers 58 of the 75 counties and their district courts as well as 12 of the 23 circuit courts.
The Court Access Network can also be used to get information on both civil and criminal matters being heard by the Court of Appeals as well as details on matters that have made it to the Apex Court (Supreme Court of Arkansas).
Case information is available for both civil and criminal matters and you do not have to register to avail the service nor do you have to pay for the information. The best part is that the information is quite in depth and you can also get a few tidbits on matters that are still active.
On the webpage, you will see the list of courts that are covered by the network and areas which are not part of the Court connect System. Most of the larger counties are in the “covered” list. In fact, you can find information from the circuit as well as the district court for such areas. That said, you get 6 options for the case search. You can find:
- Public court records by using the name of a person or business (civil cases).
- Felony court records by choosing the correct case type and the name of the subject.
- Case details and activities by using the case number.
- Information on case judgment for both civil and criminal matters.
- Details on all the cases filed in a specified period of time.
- The court dockets for all matters filed in a specified period of time.
If you pick the first option, i.e. search by name, and I am sure most of you will opt for this one, you will be redirected to a page where you will see several secondary search criteria. A unique feature of this tool is that it lets you initiate a criminal case search by using just the partial name or even a phonetic match of the name if you don’t know the full first or last name of the individual.
For those of you who are interested in courts records from a specific county, the name of the county can also be used as a filter along with the case type and the party type. For example, if you are only interested in criminal court records for cases in which the subject is a defendant and not the victim, you can narrow down your search results by using these two filters.
The judicial records go back to more than 20 years in some cases although you can get more in-depth information on recent cases.
What are my options for an online case lookup for counties not covered by Arkansas Court Connect?
- Sebastian county judicial records: To find a District Court docket from Sebastian County, go to the clerk’s website at http://www.districtcourtfortsmith.org/. Click on the tab that reads” online services”. Scroll down the page to read and accept the disclaimer. But before you click on “continue to record search”, I highly recommend that you read the instructions on how to use the case lookup feature. For case information from the Circuit Court, use the tool through the Circuit Clerk’s website at http://www.sebastiancountyar.gov/Departments/Circuit-Clerk/Circuit-Clerk-Inquiry.
- Greene County courts records: Most criminal and civil case records for Greene County are available on the Arkansas Court access website (discussed above). But, if you can’t find the information you are looking for through this tool, your only other option is to visit the clerk of court’s office in person at 320 West Court, Room 124, Paragould, AR 72450.
- Bradley County court docket search: Case records from the Bradley county Circuit Court are not available online. So, you will have to visit the court clerk’s office to initiate the inquiry. The agency works out of 101 East Cedar Ste. 109 Warren, AR 71671.
- Independence County online court records: To find court records from Independence County, you will have to get in touch with the Circuit Clerk’s office at the County Courthouse 192 E. Main Street, Batesville, AR 72501.
Arkansas Criminal records
And here we are at the final section of this article. I am sure wondering, what’s left to discuss. Well, we have already spoken about the different types of criminal records, the offices from where you can access this information and ways to find this data online.
But, whether you are looking for criminal court records or details on arrest warrants or an arrest report, the dirt you find on your subject will be for informational purposes only. What I am trying to say here is that at least “on record” you cannot use these details for official purposes.
For instance, you cannot use the results of your criminal case search to make hiring decisions. Similarly, just because there are no criminal records online in your name does not mean that you will be considered eligible for immigration or adoption. Do you see where I am going with this?
When your criminal background check is motivated by an official reason, you will need the results of your inquiry in black and white; not to mention that the response will need to be in-depth. Plus, often criminal records from just your current county of residence won’t cut it.
For all of that you need an official criminal background search. So, let’s talk about the agencies in Arkansas that offer this service and the kind of information you can expect from them.
Where should you go for a criminal background check in Arkansas?
If you want criminal court records that are not limited to one county, you can get in touch with the Arkansas State Police for a complete criminal history report. Unfortunately, they don’t do third party background checks, unless you can get a signed release form from the subject of the inquiry.
You will be charged $22 for the service and there are two ways to launch the search. You can file your request online if you are in the authorized entities category. You will find more information on this at https://www.ark.org/subscribe/bgcheck_agreement.php. To cut a long story short, that’s a list of all employers who are officially required to get a background check done on current and prospective employees, such as child care centers, senior care facilities, financial and information technology services, health care centers and others.
If you are not in the list, you will have to fill out the form at https://static.ark.org/asp/pdf/asp_122.pdf. It will still cost you $22/inquiry, but you will have to mail in your request to the Arkansas State Police at The Identification Bureau, 1 State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock, AR 72209.
What if I am interested in a criminal check in one of the counties of AR?
The thing to understand here is that because the statewide criminal search facility is offered by the Arkansas State Police, which is a law enforcement agency, very few sheriffs’ offices want to step on their toes and go out and offer their own criminal background check service.
Having said that, some local police departments will accept third party criminal history inquiries. However, there is almost always a catch to the service offered. Here are a few examples that will help you to understand what I am talking about here:
- Pulaski County criminal case search: If you are looking for a criminal search that is limited to Pulaski County, the Records Division of the Sheriff’s Office can help you. But, you will have to drive down to their office to file the request. They work out of 2900 S. Woodrow in Little Rock, Arkansas.
- Pope County criminal lookup: The Sheriff’s Office of Pope also offers a local criminal history check facility. You will have to visit the agency office at #3 Emergency Lane, Russellville, AR 72802 to file your request.
- Sebastian County criminal check: You can’t get a criminal history check done through the Sheriff’s Office, but they will give you an official arrest history report for Sebastian County. You will be asked to pay $5 for the service and you can find the request form at http://www.sebastiancountyar.gov/Portals/0/Content/Sheriff/SO%20Background%20Check%20Request.pdf.
- Washington County criminal search: The Records Division of Washington County Sheriff’s Office will find public criminal records in the name of your subject. But, they will only include the court docket of a case if it comes from an unincorporated area of the county. If you are looking to find criminal court records from other areas of the county, they will show you to the Arkansas State Police’s website.
Is there no way to do a third party criminal background search in Arkansas?
Well, the only agency that will let you get your hands on extensive and in-depth third party criminal records online, and I am talking about the real good stuff here, is the Arkansas Department of Corrections. I am sure by now you may have already guessed that since it’s the DOC we are talking about, you won’t be getting information on cases that are still in the trial stage nor about those that resulted in an acquittal for the defendant.
So, where does that leave us? With all the information on any person who has ever served time in any Arkansas state Prison! No matter how short the sentence or how minor the offense, if a person has been through the Correctional System of AR, you will find information about him/her through this tool.
The offender search app can be accessed at https://apps.ark.org/inmate_info/index.php. Use the name of your subject to initiate the criminal check. And if the inquiry returns a criminal record, consider it to be your lucky day because you will get to know about every criminal act of your subject that led to a conviction.
The information includes, the arrest mugshots, full name, DOB, name and address of facility where the inmate is serving time, aliases and other identifier information, incarceration history, details on charges, information on prior prison sentences and more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]